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MAPS etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

8 Nisan 2015 Çarşamba

Srednia Wies Map

Machine Shop
The Forest
The possibility of cutting down trees
Fields to harvest and spring climate
Real stubble
Real yields from h



Labboens Map V1.0 Beta

Labboens is a quiet Doerflein with a high number of culturally enthusiastic farmers who go on their Hautphof the Activity after which they can best go to:
Be a farmer.
Many questions therefore how does Labboens from?
It’s easy pipapo with great certainty.

Makes himself an impression and get to know you life from a different angle of the eye!
In compiling the map I have used on different maps / buildings / objects. The detailed list of the various modders / creator represents such a large surplus labor that I unfortunately can not fulfill this request.
However, I would like to meet me at Boje93 specifically for the road network thank Vertexdezign with Niggels939 for the Holzhausenmap whose objects and scripts from Xentro! (News – VertexDezign)

Our thanks also go to all the other modders which unfortunately I can not name. Should you find your work, please send me a message and you will be taken forthwith communicate with!
bvbjotty (

Objekte: Vertexdezign (Niggels939, Xentro)
Boje93, diverse andere



– Farm.
– Cows, Sheeps and Chickens.
– Pigs, Calfs, Fattend Chicken and Lams.
– Village, Fuel Station, Playground and a Soccer Field.
– Building site where you can sell your Cement.
– Cement factory where you can make your own Cement.
– Bakkery where you can make your own bread and sell it.
– Brewery where you can make your own beer and sell it at the Pub and AH Supermarket.
– You can buy sand an Gravel for making Cement.
– Gardencenter where you can sell Manure and you can buy your Trees.
– Biogass.
– Vehicle store.
– Fish nursery where you can feed mais and make your own fish, you can sell the fish at the AH Supermarket.
– Sugarbeet Factory
– Countrytrade, Here you can sell your normal crops, Sand, Gravel, Straw and Milk.
– Plain flour factory where you can buy several crops.
– Shell gasstation where you can sell your gasoline.
– Wood and grain selling point.



PGR Map by adixd82

– Polish Climate
– Cows
– hens



People Holm Map V1.5.1 Multi-Fruit

Fixed beet Schnitzler, can now be filled with loaders. Beet Schnitzler set higher, you can now also charge with larger vehicles, the beet pulp.
RC-Devil: fertilizer factory / warehouse, compost texture
Marhu: Watermod, milk trigger. Mapsiloband, Pruning, Woolpalettcollector
Marhu u Mannie313. feedlots GMK Mod
Marhu Funky: Beet cutter
Marhu, white: Seed2Fix
Andy1978 and Marhu: Seedmaster
Farmer_Andy: composting plant, manure storage, beets Schnitzler and broiler
upsidedown: Multifruid mod Unkrautmod
1LS12: Waiting
Mariodiek: Conveyor belt wood chips, Warehouse
webalizer_ls: ChoppedStraw
Lars: Regal
ZeFir_POLAND: soil texture
Eribus: Forgotten Plants Landscape Texture V1.0, fruit textures
Leos50: Conveyor belts
Blacky_BPG, Nils23, white, lappyBauer, dtmaster: Digital Display
bgo1973: clover alfalfa
Eisbearg: Gitterbox eggs
Inerti: DustMod
Blacky_BPG and Happy Looser: Display Overview
Gene Borg: Textures: Slurry manure lime – sunflowers, clover alfalfa
Joerg_B: Great Hall
Typhoon: BGA for Small Businesses 


Kingsholm Map V1.0

large cow pasture
new silos
BGA rebuilt
some annoying fences removed to allow more meadows occur
new textures
Adapted Schwadhöhe



Stund dirt map V2

Map fait par un français gwwendall modding de la team agrigeek sur la map il y a un terrain de football pur tracteur, terrain de cross …


My BIG Country Map V1.11

# 1 v1.1 Modifications and Bug freight station: changed Abladetrigger PDA filling display (food storage) now available for Straw / Grass / compound feed Some fields have to be plowed only before the first use! (But are Mähbar before purchase) Neuenfeld sale signs stable door: Trigger was made smaller / gates open view no longer so early straw unload now changed consumption in the aisle of the barn beets Schneider Sawmill: Unloading (trigger) Optimized: No unloading with wheel loaders necessary (TIMBER RUNNER ) as the trigger is set higher. Mapsiloband was taken out in (food storage) .. need to take the newer of Marhu! Since it can load all types of fruit. Installed Mapsiloband for manure of cows and pigs. Tree edge now also available roads were repaired (small slits, etc.) removed Pending trees. All trees were Exchanged (texture error) trees now eliminated with darker texture Some bumps or in the fields. and much more.


13 Mart 2015 Cuma

You get your hands on a smal farm in the middle of the Schwarzwald (blackwood) in south germany. With his 30acres of farming ground and roundabout 20 acres of meadows and greenland is this farm perfect for playing in singleplayer or with one or two friends in multiplayer with smal equipment. The growth times are KandS typical changed to our “24 hours ingame are one year in growthtimes” cycle. So you have enough time to make some forestwork, give our animals something to eat, bring the haybales to the farm or play just a little bit slower. A sceenshot of the groth times is attached here and in our facebook site to watch and to download.
Beside the whole transformation to the fs15 optics and functionallity, with complete forest and 5 areas with big trees, we have also build in some extensions. In front of curse the AnimationMapTrigger. Then the manure/lime mod and the watermod for the animals and next the chopped straw mod. We have also build in the original missions with the jobboards. Cows, chicken and sheeps waiting for feeding and the motel in the angerer valley waits for potatoes and someone, who files the powerplant with wood ships. The fields are all buyable, the smal bga on the farm runs with the bga extension too and finaly, we build in clover as a between fruit to fertilize some fields in front of maize or potatoe seeding with a growth time of 6 hours.
Short overview of the implemented mods
– AnimationMapTrigger
– Manure / Lime Mod
– Watermod
– Chopped Straw Mod
– Fruit Clover as between fruit
Im not sure what happened with the FS15. We will see how far and witch way the FS in 2015 will go. So we make some updates when new, nice mods comes out and do some bugfixing. I still have some ideas for the wildcreek valley and there are some other projects waiting to go live in ls15, in front my new map Finsterbrunner Valley, again a hilly map with around 80ha of farming ground. Screenshots and newest Posts on our facebook Site.
Just remains for me to say:
Have fun at work and happy farming !
Kind regards, Stormi from K und S Modding
Deutz1997 : Die Ur-Wildbachtal
Fatian (Feldwege;Straßen)
Dennis Busch (Waldschilder)
Modelleicher,Maxter (Hofobjekte)
Desperados93 (Mapobjekte)
FendtFarmer/Desperados93 (Brücke,Texturen usw.)
pAre (Hütte am See)
Unbekannt (Großen Stromleitungen)
IMarvin (Schlagbaum)
Mr F. (Foliagebäume,Plantagenbaum)
Giants (Standartobjekte)
MR-Klausen / thejohnderre7930 (Unterstand)
ka88 (Billinger Landhandel, neue Textuierung von El Cid: Danke an dich! :-) Nur Texturänderung von Stormbringer)
Buschi (Getreidelagerset, Kiefer, Sturmkiefer)
Tessmann85, ls-mod-tempel (neue Ground-Textur)
TyphoOn (Mini-BioGas Anlage)
Marhu (Wassermod / Futtermod)
MrFox, TheAgraama (Lampen)
TMT marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan (Guelle und Mist Mod)
Eifok-Team (Guelletrigger für Ihr Zunhammer Fass)
Feros (Jaegerzaun)
Farmer 14 (Zaun)
Nick98_1 (Teile des Schilderwald)
lsfamer2011 (Feld / Waldweg)
Tobsel88 (Basistexturen Foliagetrees)
L4Icce und Thorne (Gebäude des Alpenhofes)
borutcebulj (Bruecke)
Steffen30muc (Halle im AngererTal, Duenger und Kalkhalle)
Ceen und 4ndi (neue Texturen des Straßensets)
FendtFan1 (Waldbodentextur)
LwFarming (Maistextur)
Swat und LS-Landtechnik (Neue Fluss und Teichtexturen und das Gästehaus)
LS-UK (Ringfeeder and the AMAZING soilmod)
bm Modding (Bodentexturen)
Baue3rR (zweispuriges Freilandsilo im Tal)
tdiman (Kran am Sägewerk)
TTM (Unterstand)

Westbridge Map V2.0

It is a question here about the original Westbridge Hills of Giants I re-Designed almost complete.
Various installation work such as:
Slurry manure lime Mod
Straw Chopper Mod
Cattle fattening
BGA Complex Mod
Composting plant (Produced now dung as fertilizer or sale)
BaleFeed Mod
Milk Stop Sale
Feed Mix stations
Beet cutter
That is, these mods are permanently installed and need from your mod folder outside.
The farm is now as times where the BGA was
The BGA there where the court was
Vehicle Shop Rebuilt
Garden centers Rebuilt
Sugar factory installed
Converted mill (1x 1x oil mill and flour mill)
Postponed spinning
Slaughterhouse (Where was the theater)
Dairy Farm
Country trade
Mc Donald
Kuhzone Rebuilt
Chicken Rebuilt
Sheep Rebuilt
and, and, and
I recommend at Low PC setting in the game to Medium
The map is equipped with 565MB quite large, but Runs with me Impeccable without mosquitoes,
even on high settings.
When found error please Log …
Farmer Andy – Compost und Masthuhn
El Cid – Zuckerfabrik
Complex BGA – Upsidedown

Keuschlingen Map V3.0

Willkommen in Keuschlingen
Hier handelt es sich um meine erste Map, ich hab sie von Grund auf neu erstellt.Bauzeit bis jetzt ca 5 Wochen fast jeden Abend nach der Arbeit. Ich habe Im Single Player alles getestet ist Logfehlerfrei.
Es handelt sich hier um eine fiktive Map, die ein wenig meiner Heimat im Unterallgäu nach empfunden ist. Alle Funktionen, die ihr von der Standart Map kennt sind, verbaut sowie WaterMod GülleMistKalkMod Schweinemast und Choppedstraw.
Agravis: Raps Weizen Gerste Körnermais Zuckerrüben Kartoffeln
Baywa: Raps Weizen Gerste Körnermais
Bahnhof:Raps Weizen Gerste Körnermais
Strohkraftwerk:Gras Heu Stroh Ballen
Sägewerk: Stämme Hackschnitzel
Gartencenter: Gras Stroh Mist Gülle Hackschnitzel Kartoffeln Zuckerrüben Wolle
BGA: Silage
Metzgerei: Schwein
Um die Ladezeit zu verkürzen könnt ihr die Zip Datei entpacken und den daraus entstandenen Ordner dann in den Mods Ordner schieben.
meine Ladezeiten:
als Zip Datei: ca 5 Min
entpackt als Ordner: 15 sec
Das ist aber bei jedem Pc anderst ,schwache PC´s brauchen länger und gute Pc´s eben kürz
Update V2.2
Patch 1.2 ready gemacht (es können durch den Patch weitere Komplikationen auftreten die nicht ersichtlich waren)
SiloPack (Kalk,Saatgut,Dünger) eingebaut
Sounds eingefügt
Dichte der Früchte erhöht
einige Grasränder bearbeitet
Ballentrigger am Strohkraftwerk hinzugefügt, dort können jetzt Ballen direkt verkauft werden.
Fruchtschilder eingefügt, da mich mehrere fragen wo sie was lagern können
BodenTexturwinkel erhöht
Update V2.1
CowNavMesh bearbeitet (Kühe sollten jetzt nicht mehr einfrieren)
Neue Watermod.Lua von Marhu eingefügt. (jetzt sollte es auch bei den letzten Richtig im Menü angezeigt werden)
SaatgutTrigger am Hof wieder richtig platziert (hatte sich verirrt)
Update V2,0
Verkehr eingepflegt
Watermod lua angepasst (Pda zeigt nun alles richtig an)
Dorf eingefügt
Geldautomat eingefügt
Schweinemast eingearbeitet
Metzger mit Trigger eingefügt
Feldweg zum großen Forst eingefügt
Rampe am Sägewerk eingefügt (extra für Karvon)
Wegweiser eingefügt
Zurücksetzpunkte verändert
Texturen angepasst
Trigger für Setzlinge eingefügt
Goldbrunnen eingefügt
Fehler die nur auf Dediserver auftauchten wurden entfernt (bis auf ein Soundfehler, da die Sounddatei für den Dedi zu groß ist)
mehrere Misthaufen eingefügt (Funktion Wie das Futterlager, nur mit Mist)
Gartencenter verändert, da ist jetzt Platz für Gewächshäuser)
Hof vom Strohkraftwerk bearbeitet
einige Wachstumszeiten geändert
mehrere kleine fixes
Update v1.2fixed
Fehlende Mistetextur ergänzt
Kleinere fixes
Update v1.2
Bug fixes
Icons in PDA angepasst
Update V1.1
ChoppedStraw Eingefügt
3DFeldwege-seba j
Hills- Mailman
Falls ich jemand vergessen habe, bitte PN, dann wird das sofort ergänzt.
Ein rießen großer Dank geht an “Oimel” Der mir extrem bei der Fehlersuche/behebung geholfen hat.
Ein großer Dank geht auch an “.Pinocchio.” da er mir mit den Dedi-Fehlern geholfen hat und die V2 auf dem Dedi getestet hat, und natürlich allen anderen die mir geholfen haben.


-One farm
-krowy, chickens, sheep, pigs
-pojenie cows, sheep, chickens, pigs
-karmienie hens
-kurnik where hens lay eggs
-sprzedaż eggs
-karmienie cows in the barn
-ścielenie in the barn
-wypychany manure
joined manure that can pour manure from the barn
-napełnianie drill
-karmienie grass, cows, sheep
-pastwiska cows, sheep
-koło economy pigsty
-skup pigs
-sklep Agroma
-skup cereals
-skup wool in a village in the barn with the door open
-gnojówka near the barn
-axis manure
– Potatoes and beets
-wełna near the barn
-napełnianie barrel near the house
-obornik v2
-gnojówka v2
-wapno v2
-mode chopped
-koło store that can trigger the same machine spprzedać
-reset machines
-several machines to start
-polne road
-Movement pedestrians
-Movement street
-ciekawy area
he added some trees to cut,
-sadzonki will appear next to the shop
-w icon Agroma shop where you can buy seedlings
-you can plant new trees in place of the old
-skup wood and chip
-opens the gate and gate at about (non-zero)
Autor: Kowal88
Konwert: mati4895

9 Mart 2015 Pazartesi

La Ferme Canadienne V1

Bonjour a tous.
J’ai avons pris Westbridge comme map de départ, nous avons modifier le quart de ferme, nous avons ajouté les veaux et les cochons, modifier le drapeaux et diverses truc sympathique concernant le Canada.
Les nouvelles fonctionnalité de la map:
– Veau et cochons ont été ajouté et sont fonctionnel.
– Magnifique Abbatoire
– WaterMod inclu
– Batiment de stockage en vrac. (Paille,Herbe,Ensilage,Mélange et copeaux.
Je vous souhaite de longues heures de jeux sur cette map
Venez voir ma chaine Youtube: David Qc
Giants, David Qc

Westbridge Forest Map V4.0

Simply unpack the zip, drag and drop all the files into your Farm Simulator 2015 mod folder.
This is my edit of Westbridge Hills, I have added the lumber mill and forest tree’s and extra’s.
Added Lumber train and grain train. I have deleted some fields and reshaped some fields.
I have added a feed stock with conveyors to the cow area and added water mod for cows, sheep, and chickens.
Removed some buildings and added some. the pda has been altered to suit ..
I have run it without error for several days and have found no problems.
Moved cow zone added digital display for silo’s and futterlager, new conveyors including manure, added silage pit at cow zone,
added mixing station, now has pigs and beef also slaughter house. manure and slurry sales.
Wool pallet collector, Compost Factory and much much more, you will have to see. ;)
You will have to start a new save game, sorry. There has been a lot of changed textures and new buildings
Thanks to Giants.
NI modding
Fendtfan1 (Chris)
JohnnyVee aka John666
And all modders out there

Unna Map V3.0 Multifruit

Circle Unna2015 Map / v3.0 Update – LS2015 Patsch v1.2
Complete removal of the Farming Simulator 2015 / Update Date: 04.03.2015 / 12:34 PM