3 Mart 2015 Salı

Somewhere In Thuringia Map V1.2.1

V 1.0
by Kastor
With this card, I am back in LS15.
Welcome in Thuringia,
for good 5 months construction time
I present to you my first homemade card, so no conversion as in the urban core.
The landscape is free invented but I’ve tried some from my home to make tiling with.
You erwaten 37 fields which I have divided into 3 different price zones.
1. 3.52HA € 23,650
2. 2.21HA € 44,200
3. 0.69HA € 16,760
4. 2.75HA € 55,000
5. 1.51HA € 29,700
6. 3.72HA € 74,405
7. 3.39HA € 67,950
8. 2.26HA € 45,220
9. 0.85HA € 21,270
10. 5.51HA € 137,730
11. 2.36HA € 58,940
12. 4.86HA € 145,720
13. 0.95HA € 24,105
14. 3.68HA € 110,300
15. 1.65HA € 49,420
16. 5.75HA € 172,275
17. 2.05HA € 51,070
18. 3.45HA € 86,250
19. 3.81HA € 94,670
20. 2.40HA € 59,900
21 3.57HA € 89,355
22 1.45HA € 43,335
23 3.10HA € 93,670
24. 2.30HA € 65,560
25. 2.51HA € 75,400
26 3.68HA € 110,400
27 2.19HA € 54,700
28 1.03HA € 25,670
29 1.33HA € 33,075
30 1.83HA € 45,600
31 1.32HA € 39,650
32. 5.94HA € 177,965
33. 1.98HA € 49,375
34. 1.22HA € 30,600
35. 1.35HA € 33,950
36. 3.27HA € 98,100
37. 5.12HA € 153,444
Your Launches a means Great Court, with cows, sheep and cattle fattening.
Resellers are not far away. Remember the opening times)
not that you stand in front of closed doors.
Opening times:
-Thüringer Cereals AG: 07uhr – 19h
-Heyl Mills: 06uhr – 20pm
-BGA: 04uhr – 23h
-Schlachterei: 05uhr – 20pm
But I will not say much, look at yourselves the map.
A big thanks to my testers!
Also a big thanks to all the modders whose things I have installed !!
required mods
#ZZZ_compostSoil (Is! Does her for the compost plant !!)
#ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard (If by! Did I compost registered)
The iit_bitte_entpacken.rar as the name says unpack !!!!
Dadrin in the folder “Fürn modfolder” you’ll find the map
At issue or Logfehler please clean up your first modfolder !!!
I wish you much fun while playing.
MFG Kastor

COMPASS mod V2.0.6

– Fixed bug where certain screen-resolutions caused the chosen preset to always be reset to default
– Preset positions now better aligned to different screen-sizes
– Polish translations updated by Ziuta
– Russian translations updated by Gonimy_Vetrom
– Upgraded to FS15, and changed graphics to follow the style.
– Added more position presets for where compass can be shown on screen.
Mod description
Displays a compass on the screen while in a motorized vehicle.
Note! It will NOT drive the vehicle for you! – It only displays a compass, and thats it!
There are eight default preset positions, which can be cycled through using the action ‘Compass position’ (default keys: LEFT-ALT C).
When quitting the map, the Compass_Config.XML file – placed in the MODS folder – is updated with the available presets and current selected one.
If the screen aspect-ratio was different from last load, the Compass_Config.XML file will be overwritten with new calculated position values.
Default action/key assignments:
LEFT-ALT C – Compass position
This mod’s script files MAY NOT, SHALL NOT and MUST NOT be embedded in any other mod nor any map-mod! – However it is accepted if this mod is packed into a mod-pack archive, when this mod’s original ZIP-file and hash-value is kept intact.
Please do NOT upload this mod to any other hosting site – I can do that myself, when needed!
Keep the original download link!
Problems or bugs?
If you encounter problems or bugs using this mod, please use the support-thread at http://fs-uk.com – Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category ‘Other – Game Scripts’.
Script: Decker_MMIV
Polish translation updates: Ziuta
Russian translation updates: Gonimy_Vetrom

Pack GTS UpGrain 18000/24000 Trailer V1.0

Grain transfer trailer.
Basic script.
Pack containing two models with capacities of 18,000 and 24,000 liters.
FarmBozza and Mateus Kollross

Placeable scale

Here I have converted the placeable scale from LS13 LS15 to .
Login is flawless !!!
Urmodder: Alex2009

Bjornholm AddOn V1.0 BETA

This addon extends the Bjorn Holm Map to a few useful and decorative elements.
What is included?
Two radio towers
A new drop-off site for the standard fruits
Extensive signage
Mixing station and beet Schnitzler
Level indicators
Why this addon and no map?
When you have installed this addon (single in the modfolder) you have to start any new game.
Just keep playing on the default Bjorn Holm map. The addon automatically places objects in the default Maps.
Maruh – Mischstation
Funky. – Rübenschneider
Nick98.1 – Schilder
Raptor5 – RadioTower
El_Cid – Lageranzeigen
El_Cid – Zirkuswagen
Für Nicht- oder Falschnennungen möchte ich mich entschuldigen. Bitte melden sie sich bei mir in Modhoster per PN.
Stand: 1.3.2015